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We Are Coming


Overcome Anxiety

Many people in the world are troubled, depressed and do not know the source that torments them. In this book, Pastor Christine explains through her own testimony, how fear doesn't have to control your life. We can be living in victory with these applicable steps derived from the Word of God. Freedom is possible!

"Though I’ve been coming to ALFC since I was 6 years old, I didn’t have the revelation of controlling your thoughts. When I was a teenager and I became very depressed by my preteen and teen years. I didn’t know what the issue was but tried to hide it from everyone. It got to be so bad I kept thinking and started saying I didn’t want to live anymore. I told my younger brother I didn’t want to live to be 17. God intervened! Before I turn seventeen, Pastor Christine had an altar call after a Sunday morning service for those who were depressed, and I went up. I had recently learned what depression was in school, so I knew that was the problem. She prayed for me and hugged me. I didn’t feel any different at the time. Three days later I realized I hadn’t cried myself to sleep since. I had been delivered! I had so much joy, it was like salvation all over again as I wrote letters of my testimony to ALL of my family. Thankfully Pastors Jeff and Christine ministered about how we are to control our thought life. I was always helped by Pastor Christine’s testimony of overcome anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve had panic attacks and depression try to return on several occasions but due to having their teaching I’ve gotten the victory every time and I’m a doer of the Word, not a hearer only. Glory To God!"

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