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What does it mean to be rich?

So what does it mean to be rich? Being rich or blessed does not necessarily mean having a lot of money stored in the bank somewhere. Rich simply means "to have a full supply." Again, we serve a God of more-than-enough not a God of barely-get-by. More-than-enough means having a full supply of what you need when you need it. This is the kind of life Jesus lived. 


When it was time for Jesus to pay His taxes, we can assume from scripture that He didn't have any cash on hand. However, He knew He had access to the Father's full supply. And because He listened to and fully trusted his Father, He received direction for Peter to go fishing for the finances. Miraculously, the first fish Peter caught had money enough in its mouth to pay both of their taxes. Now that's an example of a full supply! (See the whole story in Matthew 17:24-27). 


On two separate occasions, Jesus fed multitudes of people with only a few fish and a few loaves of bread. He didn't have a large supply of food in storage but He knew He had access to God's inheritance of provision. When He took what he had, gave thanks to the Father, and blessed it, the power of God supernaturally multiplied his supply. A few loaves and a few fish turned into more than enough food. It fed about 15,000 people on one occasion and about 12,000 people on another (see Matthew 14: 15-21; 15: 32-38). This is what it means to be rich in God's economy. It is having a full supply of what you need when you need it. This is the kind of life Jesus lived, and it's the kind of life you are meant to live in Him. Pages 58-59

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Thou Shalt Not Lack

In his book, Thou Shalt Not Lack, Jeff Miller presents reasons that Christians suffer lack, and what they can do to release the blessings of God in their lives. The same covenant that provides us with forgiveness and healing also provides us redemption from the curse of lack. As you apply the Biblical principles contained in this book you will begin to experience the goodness of God in a fresh way and will move out of the land of lack into God’s full supply.

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